VINA Community Dental Center

VINA Community Dental Center



About Us

To provide quality, affordable dental care to Livingston County residents with limited finances and little to no access to dental care while upholding the professional standards of dentistry in a concerned and compassionate way.

The VINA Community Dental Center of Livingston County, Michigan, a non-profit outreach facility, will give people access to dental care and dental education. Uniting people in the area, VINA will improve quality of life through better oral health, promoting dental care seeking behaviors and elevating prevention awareness. By providing dental education materials, oral cancer screenings, and promoting balanced nutrition and healthy food selections, we believe we can impact patients’ oral health and in turn, their overall systemic health.

Many of the patients seen at VINA have not had dental care in 10, 20, even 30 years, have suffered repeated infections, and/or have had to deal with the incredible pain of a toothache because they cannot afford the cost of routine dental care. Many patients require multiple extractions (sometimes losing all their teeth even in their 20’s) or have cavities in nearly every tooth. They share a common goal, that is: to eliminate pain and infection,

VINA is supported through fundraising events, contributions from the community and limited local grants; this covers 85% of the cost of operating the clinic. Businesses can donate goods and services to be used as auction items, in the raffle or given as door prizes. These generous donations help VINA provide services to those in need. Thank you so much for your support!


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